Hello Everyone!
A Year and Some Change.....
Hard to believe... but it's been a
year and some change since I moved to Gabon!
What an adventure, a blessing and a
learning experience it has been this first year.
I was taking some time to reflect
on my first days here in the Jungle...
On the kitchen door- my friend who comes to say "hi" in the afternoons. |
...the first time I made the rare
find of lettuce in the market and had spent the better part of 20
minutes painstakingly completing the necessary bleaching, rinsing and
drying of each leaf (due to the Gabonese interest in human
fertilizer) and as I went to gather the leaves from the counter on
which they were drying to make the special treat of a long-awaited
salad, a lizard jumped right down from the wooden cupboards and tap
danced his way right across every single one of my rare and freshly
cleaned lettuce leaves!
I ate the lettuce anyway.
...or the first time I sliced an
onion here and thought almost the entire thing was rotten, only to
discover that's just how their onions are coloured here.
I couldn't even do a simple thing
like slicing an onion without having questions!
I felt so dependent on those around
...perfecting my ninja moves while
sporting my crocs and rubber gloves, as I tried to skillfully turn
off water in the shower that shocked me every time I used it for the
first month after moving in.
Often I would get shocked through the water out of the shower head too....I took a lot of sponge baths.
Using the kitchen sink was
literally a shocking experience too.
I am still amazed that I have both
running water and electricity in my house in the middle of the
They just don't always play well
(After a month they finally found a set of wires had been chewed away - I was getting shocked because there was live current bouncing back and forth between the 110 and 220 lines and was touching a water pipe- I could have had a decent fro I think).
Celebrating the Gabonese holiday, Women's Day, with the residents' wives |
I remember having people over the
first weekend I had moved into my new home.
It took me all day to prepare as I
started learning to make everything from scratch.
The workmen were fervently trying
to fix my electrifying water system and my house helper mama Germaine
was helping keep up with the never ending residue from geckos, ants,
wood bores and termites.
I had also just recently had an ape
or some other unidentified jungle animal leap onto my side kitchen
door a couple nights in a row from the mass of jungle bordering my
house. We think he was injured or something, for it looked as though
he had found solace in my attic for the last hours of his life and as
his carcas quickly decayed in the equatorial heat, maggots proceeded
to fall from my ceiling.
I had gotten used to heating my
water for washing dishes and for bathing because there had been no
hot water for the majority of the first month.
Then the cold water went on strike
Then the workers hit a water pipe
and water was literally pouring through the ceiling from the attic into my kitchen.
I was still getting shocked at the
sink, in the shower and while touching certain appliances.
So there I was that day in my
sweaty kitchen, rolling out my first crack at homemade tortillas,
getting shocked at random intervals, no running water, a waterfall
pouring from the attic and maggots falling from the ceiling and
company coming in under 2 hours.
By God's grace we ate more than
canned sardines that night.
Enjoying fellowship with some of the missionary ladies |
Remembering going to the capital for the first
time for the yearly grocery shop with my mentors Terry and Barry, and
realizing even then, how much I had "gray scale vision." It
was as if everything around me was a different shade of grey, in that
everything seemed to look the same. There were no definitions in my
mind. I remember driving with them down the road and Terry shouting
and pointing excitedly, "look a plant nursery!" Barry
pulled over so she could check out the trees and small budded plants
for sale. "A nursery?!" I thought to myself.
It looked just like all the other
countless wood/tin/concrete block shacks we had passed the past 5
miles and were sure to pass for the following 5.
How did she spot these things in
the sea of seemingly non-purposed shacks?
Colour vision.
I was excited for the day when I
would one day be granted colour vision.
I remember what a relief it was at
the beginning to visit Mbolo- the large french grocery store in the
hub at the capital for our yearly shop- 9 hours from Bongolo. What
fun to see Western foods and packaging, lots of fresh veggies, meat,
yogurt, chips, cereal, even ice-cream (if you're willing to pay the
price- 3 slices of ham was $12.99- I didn't get the ham : ) all in a
nice clean store with no goat poop, no rat droppings, no checking
your rice and pasta for creepy crawlers and no drunk men trying to
grab you as you headed out the door.
Out to dinner with Mom and Dad at one of the local restaurants in town |
But I found myself back in the
capital 6 months after living at Bongolo to see my parents off back
to the States and we went to Mbolo again, but I was surprised at what
I experienced.
We had jumped into a taxi on the
inner-city back roads where the missionary guest house was, filled
with make shift shelters for stores and restaurants and headed to the
large westernized grocery store.
We walked in - and immediately I
felt overwhelmed.
It was big and bright and people
were hustling and bustling around the place in their European
fashions and the shelves were filled with so many choices! Oh were
there choices!
The yogurt aisle alone- I almost could see the white pearly gates at the end of it.
I walked around in an amazed daze, trying to wake myself up every few minutes to make sure I wasn't actively drooling over the beautiful displays of fresh vegetables.
Everyone and everything seemed to be moving so much faster than I was.
The yogurt aisle alone- I almost could see the white pearly gates at the end of it.
I walked around in an amazed daze, trying to wake myself up every few minutes to make sure I wasn't actively drooling over the beautiful displays of fresh vegetables.
Everyone and everything seemed to be moving so much faster than I was.
I felt so out of place.
I felt like a jungle bumpkin.
I felt out of my comfort zone.
We grabbed another taxi, carrying
our groceries in our arms, and made our way back to our little street
where the guest house was on.
The taxi left us off at the corner.
People were walking by in bright
patterned cloth, head scarves and carrying babies on their backs.
Goats and stray mangy dogs trotted
out of our way as we walked through potholes as wide as the street
itself and dodged the plastic bags and trash that littered the
street, out of a wooden shack we passed, floated the yummy aroma of
“coupe coupe” chicken, kids ran past us laughing and playing with
home made toys.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
I was in my comfort zone again.
I had found myself in a cultural
A Year and Some Change.....
Change in how I perceive life,
culture, what is norm.
Change and growth in deeper
understanding of how I understand and know my God.
Change and growth in how I expect
to relate to and love others.
Change in people's lives as we live
life side by side, showing them what it means to be a follower of
Visiting with my nursing students and their families at their homes. I try to visit them every Sunday evening. We'll sit, talk, eat food, they'll teach me their local dances, braid hair, play with their kids and just pass some time with them. In the Gabonese culture, going to someone's house is more meaningful than inviting them over. Essentially, it is a cultural way in which I can wash their feet.
Helping out doing some anesthesia in the OR |
There were many days I would literally be running between the two, having to leave a patient in the OR because a patient was deteriorating in Rea.
Thankful to the Lord for keeping all the patients safe.
Also rejoicing because God has provided staff to fill these two critical needs!
I will still be filling in as needed but it won't be as often.
Thankful for God's provision of safer patient care!
Small Group Bible study |
Several of these girls have been experiencing a lot of financial hardship, sometimes struggling to have enough food to eat.
We have seen God provide for their needs and how they have grown through that.
It has been an honor to disciple these young women.
Building bridges in LeBamba. |
Please talk to the Father concerning them that our friendship would continue to grow and provide good opportunities through it.
Showing a student how to recover a new born from general anesthesia after a Spina Bifida repair |
Bible study with Eric |
We have been doing a Bible study together several times a week since mid-December.
We have studied through John, Acts and Romans and have had some good discussions surrounding the doctrine we've read and how those truths affect Eric's current world view.
It has been exciting to see Eric grow in his faith these past 9 months.
We have often had other patients and family members in Rea who have joined us.
My joy was made complete in seeing Eric's discipleship come full circle- God has given opportunities for Eric and I to tag-team sharing the Gospel to other patients and praying them to Christ. It is a joy to hear him share his testimony of how God has changed his life with others, to see him become passionate about introducing others to Christ.
An answer to prayer! -I have been able to pass this ministry on to Barry, one of my missionary colleagues. After several months of praying for the next steps for Eric and who could take the baton for his discipleship, God has clearly provided for that transition to take place and am very glad Eric will be able to study with a man of faith who will be able to take even deeper into Scripture.
Praise God for His perfect timing, provision and answer to prayer!
Eric and his Mom |
Resident's wives Bible Study |
These past several months the women asked me if I would lead a study on the names of God. We have really enjoyed growing in our understanding of God's character together.
One thing I have been really praying for for these women, is for further leadership development and discipleship. These women, whose husbands are at Bongolo training to be surgeons, will be going back to their own villages and will be looked up to as Spiritual leaders. My prayer for them has been that God would begin developing in them the courage to begin leading their own Bible study.
Our prayers were answered!
By the time I went back to visit the States in August, almost every single one of these women had stepped up to lead a Bible study session on one of the names of God.
They also began initiating their own fellowship time together as a small group.
It is a great growing experience for them and I am so excited to see them begin these next steps of discipleship in their lives!
God is at work!
Girls' Pizza Night |
Another way God is at work, is that the wives have asked to come with me as I spend time with the women in town.
There are few times I have really experienced the fullness of the Body of Christ like I have while driving to LeBamba with a car full of women from the Congo, Mali, Gabon, Madagascar and U.S. all praying together with one mind and one spirit, for the salvation of our unreached friends.
It has been exciting to see their passion for evangelism grow.
Cooking together in LeBamba |
Vaccination Day! This village had no clinic so we set up in the local church. |
Hearing the Gospel while waiting for vaccinations |
Sugar makes anyone a captive audience- watching the children's version of the Jesus film at one of our village vaccination clinics. |
Bringing in the Sheaves ~ prepping the pineapple and coconut harvest for freezing with my Mama |
It was such a joy to have my parents visit Bongolo this past year! They arrived on Thanksgiving day and stayed through mid-December. They even brought a frozen turkey with them in their suitcase for our team's Thanksgiving dinner- it was such a treat!
Saving the heads to replant for next year! |
One of the ways in which God has really blessed me this past year has been through my neighbors, Mama Jackie and Pastor Serge. Pastor Serge is the director of the hospital. They have very kindly adopted me as their daughter and have been taking care of me, from sending one of the boys over to kill my snakes, to helping me plant and harvest my first plantation.
Harvesting my first crop of corn with my Gabonese Mama. |
Mama Jackie has been teaching me how to work the land here to plant a
"plantation" (garden). She hired a local boy to burn a small plot of
land for me during the dry season, then taught me how to plant once the
wet season arrived. She's also taught me very important lessons- such as
the many uses of a machete!
It is the only tool we used for planting, maintaining and harvesting. Maintaining the plantations |
My parents were and still are very touched and grateful.
My Mom and Dad and my Gabonese Mama and Papa all in one place. Worlds collide... : ) |
Waiting for their Mom at the hospital |
"Drive-in" car wash : ) |
Little friends at the market : ) |
Their mothers quickly shush them and correct them.
Being a redhead, I've been called many things while overseas.
This was definitely a first. : )
My fav picture with my students- these guys are why I'm here ~ At the end of the School year, with God's help we all made it through the first year of school at Bongolo! Woohoo! |
A Year and Some Change.....
So thankful for all that God has done!
Thank you for praying me through my first year here on the field.
It is a joy to serve our Father with you.
So thankful for all that God has done!
Thank you for praying me through my first year here on the field.
It is a joy to serve our Father with you.
Much Love from the Jungle,
P.S. I had an absolutely WONDERFUL time back in the States for the month of August for my brother's wedding! It was such a joyful month of vacation to spend time with family, friends, my church family, to enjoy good food and the fresh open space and air of my homeland. After 20 months overseas, it was great to be back in the land of peanut butter, pre-cleaned white eggs, sliced whole wheat bread, strawberries, fresh milk and smooth non-dirt roads.
Thank you to all of you for your prayers, they were certainly answered and I have returned to the field refreshed and rejuvenated for the next stretch of my time in Gabon.
New brothers and sisters ~ missing our brother Jonathan, who was not granted military leave to attend the wedding. |
FYI~If you ever wanna experience reverse culture shock, try abstaining from Walmart for 20 months.
Choice overload!
Look at those Oreo and marshmallow aisles! : )