Friday, July 20, 2012

Off to Gabon!!!

Hello Everyone! 
It's here!!! The day has finally arrived!!!
"I'm leaving on a jet-plane, don't know when I'll be back again...."
My flight for Gabon leaves TOMORROW July 21st at 12:50pm (6:50am eastern time). I will have a layover in Casablanca and will arrive in Libreville, Gabon at 4:30am Sunday morning. 

Looks like Africa's getting ready for me! =)

Tonight I sat here in Marseille, France at a hotel restaurant, awaiting my flight to Gabon tomorrow, eating my last meal in the Western world for the foreseeable future. 
I was sitting outside in the sweet, warm air, a light breeze curving itself around me and the palm trees dancing with relief in the evening's coolness.
I still haven't become accustomed to staying at hotels and eating at restaurants all alone, but it gives me time to reflect and think on all that God has done along this journey. 

After 13 years of following the Lord's leading, 
the day has finally arrived.

I'd like to tell you that I have it altogether, that I'm not nervous about moving to the African jungle tomorrow. I'd like to tell you that I'm not going to freak out if there's a snake in my house or that I'm going to be really strong if I get malaria. I'd like to tell you that after 7 months of language study, it will be a piece of cake to teach in French. I'd like to tell you that the constant heat and humidity won't be an issue and that I'm not going to struggle with being lonely or being away from my family or Christopher or my friends. I'd like to tell you that I'm a "super Christian" and I always respond in a Christ-like manner, that I'm not prideful or selfish. I'd like to tell you that I am "Rambo's daughter" and that I will be tough, come what may.

The reality is- I'm not. 
I'm just a girl, trying to obey God
-and this is where He's leading me. 

But  I do know my God. 
I know His strength and His might. 
I know His power and His enabling. 
I know His presence and His comfort. 
I know His saving grace and Love for the nations. 
I know His patience and slowness to anger.
I know His selflessness and humility.
I know His provision and His miraculous intervention. 
I know His healing and wisdom. 
There is NOTHING my God cannot do. 

And if our God is for us, than who can stand against us?

 Each morning I try to read a Psalm before my feet hit the floor and the day gets crazy. This morning was Psalm 23. We all know that Psalm, we could recite it over and over again. 
Today I got stuck on the 1st verse,
"The LORD is my shepherd; 
 I Shall Not Want."

God will not let us go wanting, He takes care of our needs.
I saw that provision repeatedly throughout my day today. 
God provided a ride to Marseille today with one of the neighbors of my host family, he happens to work at the airport.
After some unexpected expenses getting here, I wasn't sure the cash I had taken out for traveling would stretch, but God provided. 
For lunch, the same neighbor invited me to lunch with some of his co-workers as a guest.
Then, this afternoon while I was organizing some papers in my duffel, I found a random 20 Euro bill -plenty for dinner and lunch tomorrow. 

I Shall Not Want. 
God, our provider. 
It was as if God wanted to remind me of this before I head out tomorrow. 
He knows no limits- time, distance, money. He can and will take care of us through whatever life throws at us.
God, our provider.
  Here or in the US, or in Gabon, He remains the same.

Thank you for your prayers in this final leg of the journey to Gabon. 
 It is a joy to serve with you, to know as I go, you go with me in prayer. 

                                                       Love from France, 
                                                             -for the last time-

I love this song by Priscilla Ahn, somehow it captures tonight.


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