Friday, January 17, 2014

Urgent Update- Bongolo Fire

Hello to All! 
Below you will find an excerpt from an email of one of the members of our team. 
Her letter describes the events of tonight well. 
Thank you for your prayers and support. 

from the Jungle,

* Used with permission


It is with a heavy heart we write to you this evening.  We praise God for his protection on our team at Bongolo Hospital.  We received a call tonight that there was a FIRE at Bongolo in the main transformer house (see attached pictures courtesy of Dr. Renee Valach), that is the electrical part that brings power to the whole hospital and residences.  Something clearly went wrong with the transformer and the fire began fueled by the oil filling the transformer itself.  Our hospital administrator, Serge, went quickly to the power company to have them shut off our power.  Others gathered and when he returned he joined the rest of the Bongolo team in figuring out what to do.  After opening the door to the building (it is a standalone building) the flames increased raising concern for the overhead wires.  Ultimately, a bucket brigade was formed of missionaries, pastors, hospital staff and residents in surgery.  They tossed sand on the fire and finally were able to put it out.  Because it was initially an electrical fire and then an oil fire, water would have just aggravated things.  We praise the Lord that no one was injured and ultimately the transformer and building can be replaced, BUT for now we are without electric company power.

What now?  Our generator, which has also been a bit unstable lately, is running 24/7.  We don’t know how long it will be until we can get the transformer fixed or if the generator will hold out, so we estimate that we will be forced to run the generator at a cost of around $1,000 per day.  We also thank the Lord for Serge and the contacts God has provided him.  Already he has set in motion a company to come evaluate the problem and site and see what, when, and how a new transformer can be installed.  Could it be days, for sure, weeks, probably, months, maybe?  It will be a cost of between $100,000 and $175,000!!  We know that is a huge sum that we haven’t planned for, but God knows and we trust He will provide one way or another.

What can you do?
First, pray with us as we seek solutions and continue the care we provide for our patients in need.  Pray also that the generator runs well. 
Second, as you feel led you can give to the replacement costs of transformer, installation, and protection, again totaling between $100,000 and $175,000.
Make a check payable to C&MA write “Bongolo Hospital Special Projects" in the memo line.
Send to:
P.O. Box 35000
Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3500

Thanks for your prayers and we thank God for His protection and provision even in times of need and struggle.

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